Saturday, February 19, 2011

Time to Breath

Lately, I've found my self indoors do to the cold and rainy weather. In attempt to keep myself busy I have been practicing Yoga for at least an hour per day. DVD's and on-demand programs work for me because I can practice when I feel like it.

When my energy levels are low my go to is Giam's 'Five Day Fit Yoga.' If I'm feeling high energy I'll go for Element's 'Yoga for Weight Loss' or Shiva Rae 'Daily Energy Flow' and if I'm in the middle I enjoy Crunch 'Candlelight Yoga' or 'Yoga for Health.'

It's best to stay well hydrated and not eat two hours before practice. I love yoga because I can push my flexibility and strength while calming my mind and aligning my body. Just taking the time everyday to properly breath makes a huge difference.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Funfetti for February

Lately I've been truly appreciating and enjoying my free time. I've been visiting with friends and family, going on hikes, cooking and baking a ton and catching up on my arts and crafts.
I have been getting so much joy out of cooking for others. This morning I made a batch of cupcakes for my fiancée to bring in to work to share with his coworkers. I hope they like their Valentine's Day cupcakes!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's a brand New Year!

The Holidays are officially packed up until next year.It's been a while since my last post but better late then ever! Since my last post there's been a ton of changes in my life. My company finally closed down. It felt like I was on a sinking ship for 9 months but still, I had mixed feelings leaving. I didn't love being a mover for the last leg of the journey but made life long friends and learned more then I ever knew was possible. I'm looking on the bright side of things and enjoying my time off.
The holidays were lovely, got to spend a lot of time with my family as well as my fiancees. New Years was a blast with friends.
The adjustment to not going to work every day was difficult at first but now I have embraced the free time with open arms. My fiancee and I have been spring cleaning, cooking, working out and laughing together. I'm shocked about how much stuff we were able to cram in this one bedroom apartment and how much we can donate!
I've been job searching like mad, networking and making connections. I love the challenge and game involved with finding a job.
2011 is gong to be a great year and decade, bring it on world!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tree Lighting Ceremony

I just love this time of year, it gives me a few days to pause and reflect on everything to be grateful for. I have been thoroughly enjoying my mini-mid-winter break, every day has been lovely.

The Elkin girls have a firm tradition of heading in to Union Square the day after Thanksgiving for shopping, eating but mostly just for girl time. It's a special time of year, it marks the first official Christmas shopping day and kicks off the holiday season. Seeing the decorations and trees lit let you know that Christmas is almost here.

Here is a photo I took from the Rotunda restaurant atop Neiman Marcus of two huge Christmas trees all lit up for the season.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cooking Together

One of my very favorite things to do after a long day or on a day off is to make a meal with my fiancé.

Five years ago as poor roommates in our tiny windowless Lower East Side NYC apartment, we began cooking dinner together. Back then, we'd gather all the change we could find, venture down to Key Foods and look for what pasta, veggies and meat were on sale. Out of necessity we were forced to be creative with what little we had.

We have so many fond memories cooking together in the kitchen, it's definitely became a bonding activity that we look forward to.
We love using new ingredients and mastering dishes, trying out recipes from all over the world. Usually we go in phases trying out several dishes from one culinary region then when that gets tired we move on! Last was french food, now we're on to Japanese. Here's a photo from one of last weeks ramen from scratch recipes. This bowl of noodles has a serious sense of humor! Keep cooking and laughing, it's all about fun in the kitchen!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life's ups and downs

Last week was filled with ups and downs. I dealt with the problems and now I'm moving forward! I had a great day yesterday and once again reminded that good days have more to do with your attitude then anything else. I'm approaching this week with optimism and so far so good!

Sometimes life comes at you too fast and getting through the bad times only makes one appreciate the good that much more. I'm thankful for my loving family, they stick by me through it all and I'm so grateful to have them so close.

The weather is changing, the clocks were set back - all symbols for a fresh start and outlook. Here's a gorgeous sunset photo taken a few days ago as I was leaving work. What a magnificent sight!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1st & 2nd 2010

Last night was so exciting, I got to see the San Francisco Giants win the World Series!! I jumped, screamed and even went outside to honk the horn. Beating Texas made it that much sweeter.

Today I also voted in the California State Election. I can't stress how important it is to vote so go out there and do it! School and work will give you two hours off at the beginning or end of day so there is no excuses.